Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm Six!

Wow! Mum came down from up the stairs today and uncovered me and gave me a big cuddle saying we have been together for six years! Even in birdie years that is a long time. I was allowed to fly around the lounge room and she changed the newspaper in my cage and she gave me new food too.  And then..! Mum Gave me millet strayght after breakfest!
Yummo! I love millet! I love millet as much as I love cuddles!
It rained today while the sun was out and Mum called it a sun showa. how cool is that? I got a cuddle when it happened and she went back upstairs. I am listening to the radio and the sun is still wrming my feathers. This is a good day.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dull Shopping Day

Today we had a visitor while we ate breakfast! It was Mum's Dad. He came and talked to her about a letter that arrived yesterday. He reads it and said she could keep it. Then, after she was ready to go shopping, they both went out and it began raining.
Mum left the radio off today and I heard the rain agaisnt all the windos. She came home with millet and a cuttle bone just for me!  And this aftanoon, she gave me a really sweet piece of apple to eat all for myself! She had some too. I had been really mean, so she gave me something nice to eat; and I let her cuddle me. I love cuddles. Soon she put me back in my home and pulled the curtin across to keep me warm. Its cold now and I want my covers on to keep toasty. But that apple was nice!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sunny Busy Day

Mum was around the house today carrying her clothes around and hanging them on the line out the back.  While she did that, the sun was hot. The radio was on and I took a bath in my drinking water. She didnt see me do it but thowght it was funny when she got back to see me.  
She gave me my big bath but I didn't want it. while she talked to her mum on the phone, they began laughing about somethng on a bottle and then she took the bath out and went upstairs.
This afternoon, she came back down with wet hair, read a book outside, pulled in the clothes and carried them upstairs. Mum does carries a lot of her clothes around and I fnd that funny and strange. We watched some old movies on dvd she enjoyed and she went for a walk before turning out the lights.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dull Days, Fun Mum

I have found when days get sleepy and dull here Mum puts on funny vampire movies and lots of music. she spends lots of time reading with me and makes sure i am warm too. even when sheis sick, she is making sure i am taken care of. she calls me a toasty bird.
Lkie last night, she was supose to go out to a party, but she stayed home becawse of her cold. so we watched a vampire film and she made sure I nice and warm before she wnet to bed. a big party was going behind our place and she sleep through it. today Mum has been good; pulling the windows and doors shut and making sure I'm all fluffly and warm. I think she is coming downstairs soon to read to keep me company, yes this isa good day. dull but fun with Mum.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Diffrent Week

Mum's had a hard week again this week. She has been sick wiht a cold and went to the dockors to get better. Almost as soon as she left, it got all noisy around here! And she got worried that she left no windows open for me! Over the back fence, all the trees went away and I could see a brick wall a lot of light came in.
Mum was amazed about that! She was mad too because the trees were there for a long time. she has photos of when she first moved here and there were no trees, and now theres no trees again. The nice people who live over the back don't like it either. They werent tole the trees were going away either. they came home and the trees weren't there anymore. I'm sad because all my birdy friends don't come around anymore and talk to me anymore. It's so quiet around here now.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Strange Week

Mum's been sad lately.  One of hers friends died and she got really sad, but I was here to help her and give her lots of feathers and cuddles.  She says I always help with my little whistles and that it's nice I'm here.
The otherday I was let out and flew around when I thought it would be fun to land on the flag she has sitting around near the garage door. but I forgot I can't land on it and ended up behind the china cabinet and got stuck between the wall and it.  Well, Mum pulled it out and found me jammed there with my feet hanging down!  How funny is that? She rescewed me and made sure my wings were broken. 
She also got me off that horrible Pellet food. she sed she talked to a breeder in South Australia on the net and they told her that what she was doing is right; and I don't need the pellets. How good is that? This is saving her mony too.

Also on Friday, she pulled my house apart, put me on her shoulder and scrubbed it all out.  I thought to make it more fun and try and poo on her while she did it.

Well, we had a intresting weekend. She went out yesterday and came home late from a friends' house.  even though she was tired, she still gave me a cuddle before going to bed.