Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sun is out again.

Its been really cold at night, but Mum's had that covered with me by getting me a new cover at the shop. So now I'm nice and toastiar than ever!  Now its been getting colder in the aftanoon, Mum covers me early and pulls the curtins and puts pegs in the centre join so it keeps the cold out. 
I'm glad she does that because then, I sleep warmer. And I think she has been keeping the bathroom window shut too. How nice is that? We've had some nice warm sun, and Mum took a cool foto of us together. Isnt it nice to have photo of us together?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My favourite fotos of me!

Been too cold to write. so here are soem photos i found and I like.

 Mum takes good fotos.. and even tho the last one was embarasssing at the time, I think it's nice now.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Toastie Budgie!

It's been realy cold for a while. the clouds are dark and the sun is hiding from us. Winta is here and Mum has kept me nice and warm from it. She even went out on shopping day and bought me anotha piece of flannel to put over the front of my cage so it keeps out the breeze!  Then, just becawse she loves me, she bought baby spinach too!  I got a nice big peec when she came home after she let me have a fresh piece of millet! 

How good is that!  I love my Mum! 

Saturday, June 4, 2011


I know it's Winta because Mum has been keaping my covers on my cage longer so I can sleep in.  The sun is nice and warm all day and Mum gives me lots of cuddles and millet all day long. HOw good is that? 
At night, I get the covers put on earlier and the curtains are pulled when the sun isnt around anymore and Mum puts on warm coat. She is always making sure I'm warm and cosy and back door is closed for me. Isnt that great? yes, Winta is a good time for me to nice and warm.